

Buddha Dharma


The Four Noble Truths
A 6-week On-Line Course

The Four Noble Truths are the core of the Buddha's teaching. They are what he taught directly after his enlightenment. Everything he taught over the next 40 years came from this root. We need to understand them to understand everything else he taught, so in a sense this course is Buddhism 101. At the same time in the last of 13 sections in the Sattipatthana Sutta, the Buddha's instructions on mindfulness, he says of the Four Noble truths that the practioner is to "know them as they really are", so this is also a graduate course, trying to understand what that means.

Each session will start with chanting the Three Refuges, a 1/2 hour meditation period to settle the body and mind, followed by a dhamma talk that will examine a section of the teachings found in the Four Noble Truths. At the end of each session there will be time for questions and discussion.

All of these sessions will be on Thursday nights from 7-8:45pm. It would be best to attend all the sessions to get a complete understanding of the practice. However each session will stand on its own and people are welcome to attend any or all of them. All the teachings will be recorded, and the recordings will be put on this web site, so if you do miss a week it will be easy to "catch up".

When: Thursdays 7:00 - 8:45 pm MST, January 9 - February 13, 2025
Zoom Meeting ID: 841 5648 6082
Zoom Password: 259521
Zoom Link:
click here
To join by phone: Please call 1-720-707-2699 or +1-253-215-8782

Cost: Teacher Dana. Please use the PayPal payment buttons below (PayPal or Credit Cards). You can make a weekly offering, one big offering at the beginning of the course, or at the end of the course, or whatever method you like. If your financial situation is difficult please do not feel obligated to offer anything.

The Four Noble Truths

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