Dharma Recordings
I have recorded a number of different things, all related to dharma teaching. On this website you will find:
- dharma talks from my Thursday evening Sangha. I have been teaching online regularly on Thursdays since early in April of 2020, in response to the pandemic and social distancing.
- dharma talks I have given at the Boulder Insight Tuesday evening Sangha. These are some of the oldest recordings, going back to 2014.
- meditation instructions. Two multi-week courses on Metta (Loving Kindness) and Vipsassana (Mindfulness).
- Day Long retreats.
- Dhamma shorts, including chanting, simple guided meditations and dhamma poetry readings.
Use the menu below to explore these different offerings.
Thursday Talks | Tuesday Talks | Meditation Instruction | Day Longs | Shorts
Buddha Dharma | Dana | Teaching Schedule | Articles | Recordings | Links |
These teaching are all offered freely. If you feel moved to do so you may offer Dana using the Paypal button below.