

Buddha Dharma


Recordings - Thursday Dharma Talks

I have been leading a regular Thursday evening Sangha since near the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic, starting April 19, 2020. These talks are from that Sangha. Some of those talks were instructional, teaching meditation practcices. They can be found on the Meditation Instructions page.

Dhamma Study
Looking Closely at the Buddha's Teachings


The Seven Factors of Awakening

Part 1 - Mindfulness - February 20
The first step is to actually experience the mental formation of Mindfulness. But what exactly does that mean? What is Mindfulness?
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Part 2 - The Arousing Factors - February 27
Once Mindfulness is present then Investigation, Energy and Joyful Interest can progressively arise.
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Part 3 - The Calming Factors - March 6
The calming factors arise from the energy created by the arousing factors and also ballance that energy. Passahdhi - Tranquility, Samadhi - Concentration and Upeka - Equanimity.
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The Four Noble Truths

The First Noble Truth - January 9
Everything is unsatisfactory, unreliable because everything is always changing.
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The Second Noble Truth - January 16
We cause a great deal of our own suffering and create the cause and conditions that can lead to the suffering of others because we keep craving.
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The Third Noble Truth - January 23
To stop creating your own suffering just stop craving.
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The Fourth Noble Truth, Part 1 - January 30
The first two pieces of the Eightfold Path - Wise View and Wholesome Intention. Starting off with clear undersatnding and moving in the best direction.
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The Fourth Noble Truth, Part 2 - February 6
Once yov've realized Wise View and formed Wholesone Intention then you need to look at how you live and interact with those aroud you. Wholesome Speech, Wise Action and Conscious Livelihood.
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The Fourth Noble Truth, Part 3 - February 13
Heading in the right direction with your life in the world becoming more virtuous, you are now ready to practice meditation.
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The Eight Pillars of Joy - December 19
The Buddha was called "The Happy One". How can we emulate him and cultivate joy both in our formal practice and in our life in the world.
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It All Comes Down to Right View - December 12
Right View is the first aspect of the Noble Eightfold Path. How can we tell right from wrong and how can we cultivate right view.
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Conditions for Wisdom - December 5
In this talk the Buddha explains what we need to do so that wisdom (insight) can arise. The talk is based on a sutta from the AnguttaraNakaya, AN 8.2
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The Simile of the Cloth - November 21
This talk is based on the Vatthupama Sutta, MN 7. In this Sutta the Buddha describes the progressive path that takes us towards enlightenment.
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Being Nonreactive - November 14
This talk is based on the Kakacupama Sutta - The Simile of the Saw, MN 21, where the Buddha uses a collection of stories and similes to explains how to practice right speech and right action.
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A Quiet Simple Life - November 7
This talk is based on the Dhammadayada Sutta - Heirs in Dhamma, MN 3, where the Buddha explains how to live a quiet simple life based on the benefits of restraint.
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The Lion's Roar - October 24
This talk is based on the Culasihanada Sutta, MN 11, where the Buddha explains how his sangha reply to challenges from members of other Sanghas, with a Roar like a lion, brave and fearless.
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The Problems of Comparing - October 17
This talk is based on this quote from the Samyutta Nikaya.
"When anyone, on the basis of form, which is impermanent, suffering, and subject to change, regards themselves thus: “I am superior” or “I am inferior” or I am equal”, what is that due to apart from not seeing things as they really are?" Samyutta Nikaya, 22.49
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More Suffering or More Happiness - October 10
This talk is based on the Culadhammasamadama Sutta, MN 45. The Buddha is pointing to the fact that more suffering or more happiness is a choice we make.
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Sila - Virtue - June 27
The Buddha constantly emphasized the importance of leading a virtuous life, of being able to enjoy "the bliss of blamelessness". Why did he do this? How can we practice virtue?
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The Metta Sutta - June 20
The Metta Sutta is the Buddha's teachings on Loving-Kindness.
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Ten Noble Abodes - June 13
This talk is based on the sutta 10.20 of the Anguttara Nikaya, where the Buddha describes the progressive mental formations leading to enlightenment.
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How to Be a Skillful Student of the Dhamma - June 6
This talk is based on the Mahagopalaka Sutta, MN 33, where the Buddha explains how knowing how to take care of a herd of cows is like knowing how to be a skillful student.
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Vedana - Feeling Tone - May 30
Vedana is a Pali word usually translated as "feeling tone". Vedana appears in three critical places in the dhamma; as the second foundation of mindfulness, as the critical link in the 12 factors of co-dependent arising and as the second of five aggregates of clinging. Why did the Buddha put so much emphasis on this simple mental formation.
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The Dhamma of Loneliness - May 23
This talk is based on a chapter in Pema Chodron's book "When Things Fall Apart". How can we learn to not see loneliness as a problem.
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We Need the Right Attitude Towards Practice - May 16
This talk is based on the opening lines of the Satipatthana Sutta, before the Buddha gives precise instructions on the four foundations of mindfulness. They seem to be instructionson how to follow the instructions.
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The Four Messengers - May 9
The classic story of why the Buddha left his life of luxury as a prince andset off to practice, aand how we can apply what motiated him toour lives today.
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The Lion's Roar - May 2
This talked is based on the Culasihanada Sutta, MN 11, where the Buddha explains how his dhamma is different from that of other sects.
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What Keeps Us Practicing - April 25
What motivates us to keep practicing day after day, week after week, year after year,
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Fetters and Breaking Them - April 4
To Fetter something is "to restrain from motion, action or progress". The fetters are mental obstructions to progress along the path, to seeing clearly.
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Thoughts on Death and Dying - March 28
A topic that we mostly avoid. What did the Buddha say about these normal everyday things.
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The Paradox of Self/Not-Self - Part 2 - March 21
The Five Aggregates of Clinging, the Buddha's primary teaching on how we can begin to experience not-self.
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The Paradox of Self/Not-Self - March 14
The Buddha's teachings on the delusion that we are separate entities.
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The Ten Paramis
This is a series of talks on the Ten Paramis (perfections of the heart/mind). These teaching are sequential, a description of the process of a maturing practice. 

Upekkha - Equanimity - March 7
Equanimity is a spacious stillness of mind, a radiant calm that allows us to be present fully with all the different changing experiences that constitute our world and our lives.
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Metta - Loving-Kindness - February 29
A heart/mind filled with goodwill for all beings.
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Adhitthana - Resolve - February 22
Forming a firm commitment to make the practice central to your life.
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Sacca - Truthfulness - February 15
Being honest with yourself and accepting your own imperfections.
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Khanti - Patience - February 8
Once we've found the right balance of effort we just need to be patient, to practice without any expectations of something particular happening.
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Viraya - Effort or Energy - February 1
Once wisdom begins to arise we need to carefully consider how much energy or effort we need to apply to our practice to sustain the growth of wisdom.
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Panna - Wisdom - January 25
Wisdom arises when generosity, virtue and renunciation are seriously practiced.
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Nekkhamma - Renunciation - January 18
Renunciation is a transition between life in the world and life on the cushion. It is a process of letting go of things that we see are no longer useful along the path we have chosen, a simplification.
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Dana and Sila - Generosity and Virtue - January 11
The first two Paramis make it clear that when we start practice we need to get our daily life in the world in order.
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Restlessness and Worry - January 4
Restlessness and worry are two forms of one of the five kilesas (obstruction to practice). In this talk we look at how they manifest, the reasons they manifest and how to work with them skillfully in practice.
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Resolve - December 14
Resolve: A Firm decision to turn intentions into actions.
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The Five Aggregates of Clinging - December 7
The Five Aggregates of Clinging is the Buddha's primary teaching on not-self.
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Karma and Rebirth - November 30
In this talk we look at the interrelated topics of karma and rebirth (or reincarnation), what the Buddha taught about them and some common
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The Brahma Viharas

Metta - Loving Kindness - October 26
The first of the Noble Abodes, the wholesome mind states that the Buddha continually encouraged us to cultivate, Loving-Kindness for all beings.
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Karuna - Compassion - November 2
The second of the Noble Abodes, the wholesome mind states that the Buddha continually encouraged us to cultivate, Compassion - what a heart full of Loving Kindness feels when encountering suffering.
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Mudita - Sympathetic Joy - November 9
The Third of the Noble Abodes, the wholesome mind states that the Buddha continually encouraged us to cultivate, Sympathetic Joy - what a heart full of Loving Kindness feels when encountering happiness in others.
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Upeka - Equanimity - November 16
The Fourth of the Noble Abodes, the wholesome mind states that the Buddha continually encouraged us to cultivate, Equanimity - is a spacious stillness of mind, a radiant calm.
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The Four Noble Truths

The First Noble Truth - September 7
What is dhukha? Why is it so important to understand this question, and the answer?
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The Second Noble Truth - September 14
What is the cause of dhukha? Why do we keep creating the causes and conditions such that we suffer more and cause others to suffer?
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The Third Noble Truth - September 21
How can we bring an end to dhukha? We just need to stop clinging. Of course this isn't very easy. What does it mean attain nibbana?
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The Fourth Noble Truth - Part 1 - September 28
Starting off in the right direction. Wise Understanding and Wholesome Intention.
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The Fourth Noble Truth - Part 2 - October 5
Practice in the world, in daily life. Wise Speech, Wholesome Action and Skillful Livelihood.
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The Fourth Noble Truth - Part 3 - October 12
Practice on the cushion and how it applies to daily life. Wise Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.
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Crossing the Flood - June 8
The Buddha often uses the image of coming to a wide body of water, and how the dhamma can support us as we cross over to the other side.
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The Wilderness of Doubt and the Shackles of Craving - June 1
This talk is based on the Cetokhila Sutta, MN 16, whwere the Buddha talks about the the 5 wildernesses of doubt, the five shackles of craving and the 5 practices we should undertake once we have abandoned the wilderness and broken the shackles.
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How to Approach Practice - May 11
This talk is based on a selection of suttas from the Samyutta Nikaya.
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All the Taints - May 4
This talk is based on Sabbasava Sutta, MN 3. The dictionary defines a taint as ”a trace of something bad, offensive, or harmful.” In the sutta the Buddha speaks of the 7 ways to abandon the taints.
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The Benefits of Restraint - April 27
This talk is based on Dhammadayada Sutta, MN 3, called Heirs in Dhamma. In it the Buddha speaks of the 5 benefits of restraint.
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The Simile of the Saw - April 20
This talk is based on Kakacupama Sutta, MN 21. This sutta is actually a collection of stories and similes that the Buddha uses to illustrate the meaning of right action and right speech in relation to what other people say and do.
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Thoughts on Loving-Kindness - April 13
This talk is not based on a particular sutta. Instead it is synthesis/reflections on three commentaries on Loving-Kindness I have been reading/studying over the last three months or so; Loving Kindness by Sharon Salzberg, Living Kindness by Kevin Griffin and Happiness is an Inside Job by Sylvia Boorstein.
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The Five Factors of Striving - April 6
This talk is based on the Bodhirajakumara Sutta– MN85– v58. This is a description of how to take your practice deeper by paying attention to the five factors of striving.
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Ten Noble Abodes - March 30
This talk is based on the Ariyavasa Sutta — Dwellings of the Noble Ones AN 10.20, sometimes called Ten Noble Abodes. It lists ten qualities of mind in which noble ones are at home, mindstates we all aspire to cultivate.
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The Problems with Comparing - March 23
This talk is based on the following ine from the Samyutta Nikaya "When anyone, on the basis of form, which is impermanent, suffering, and subject to change, regards themselves thus: “I am superior” or “I am inferior” or I am equal”, what is that due to apart from not seeing things as they really are?" Samyutta Nikaya, 22.49
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The Simile of the Cloth - March 16
This talk is based on the Vatthupama Sutta - The Simile of the Cloth, MN 7. The Buddha lays out the progression one goes through from initially hearing the Dhamma to enlightenment.
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Conditions for Wisdom - March 9
What are the pre-requisites for Wisdom to arise, truely seeing things as they are. This talk is based on the Sutta called Conditions for Wisdom, sometimes transalated as Discernment, from the Anguttara Nikaya, 8.2
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Right View - March 2
Right View, sometimes called Right Understanding is the first step on the EightFold Path. It is what gives us the impetus to practice and also something that deepens over time as we practice. Based on the Sammaditthi Sutta, MN 9.
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The Buddha's Advice to Householders - February 23
Often when to think about the teachings of the Buddha we think about meditation and philosophy, but the Buddha also gave very practical advice on how to follow the Dhamma to householders. This talk will be based on the Dighajanu Sutta from the Anguttara Nikaya.
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More Suffering or More Happiness? - February 16
This talk is based on the Culadhammasamadhamma Sutta, MN 45, The Ways of Undertaking Things, which talks about how to go about making the choices we make in life based on how they affect our practice.
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Only Cease to Cherish Opinions - February 9
This talk is an extended look at the statement from the 3rd Zen Patriarch, "Do not seek the truth, only cease to cherish opinions"
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How One Discovers Truth - February 2
This talk is based on the Canki Sutta, MN 95. The Buddha is talking with a group of Brahmins and explaining how faith in a tradition is not enough.
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Fetters and Breaking Fetters - January 26
In the Mahamalunkaya Sutta The Buddha gives and extensive explanation of the five lower fetter, both what they are and how to overcome them and what the result of overcoming them is.
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How to Approach_Practice - January 19
In the Satipatthana Sutta, the Buddha's principal instructions on mindfulness, he lays out very clearly what our attitude should be as we approach the practice before giving any specific instructions on how to practice.
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Arrows to Flowers - January 12
This talk looks at the meaning/symbolism of the classic image of the evening of the Buddha's enlightenment, when he is attacked by Mara and his minions and all the arrows they shoot at him fall at his feet as flowers.
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Crossing the Flood - May 19
The Buddha uses the image of having to cross a difficult body of water as a metaphor for the practice.
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Upeka - Equanimity - May 12
Equanimity is one of the last of the Brahma Viharas - The Noble Abodes that the Buddha repearedly encouraged us to cultivate. A still, clear, open hearted state of mind that keeps the other three in balance.
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Mudita - Sympathetic Joy - May 5
Mudita is one of the Brrahma Viharas - The Noble Abodes that the Buddha repearedly encouraged us to cultivate. How can we find more Joy in our lives.
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Karuna - Compassion - April 28
Compassion is one of the Brahma Viharas - The Noble Abodes that the Buddha repearedly encouraged us to cultivate.
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The Wilderness of Doubt and the Shackles of Craving - April 21
Based on the Cetokhila Sutta, MN 16
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Thoughts on Death and Dying - April 14
How should we look at death and dying from a Buddhist perspective.
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Thoughts on Not-Self - April 7
The fact that there is no separate self is one of the heardest things to grasp in the Buddha's teachings. This talk discusses various ways we can look at this topic.
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How To Be a Skillful Student of the Dhamma - March 31
Based on the Mahagopalaka Sutta - MN33, which lists the 11 things a student of the dhamma should pay attention to.
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It All Comes Down to Right View - March 24
How the first step on the 8-fold path, Right View or Right Understanding, is the basis for everything else. What is wrong view? How to cultivate right view,
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The Four Messengers - March 17
What motivated the Buddha to leave his home and begin his life as a renunciate? What lessons can we learn from that in our own lives?
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The Nivapa Sutta - The Bait, MN25 - March 10
In this sutta an extended the comparison is made between how four different herds of deer act in relation to the bait, and how the first three are "trapped" by the deer trapper.
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What the Buddha Taught
and How It Is Still Relevant Today
A Weekly Online Sangha

The Satipatthana Sutta Refrain - June 17
There are 13 sections of mindfulness instructions in the Satipatthana Sutta, the Buddha's primary instructions on mindfulness. After each of these sections the Buddha repeats these same general instructions, like the chorus in a song. Why this refrain, why is it repeated so many times, and what exactltly does it say?
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Do We Need an Attitude Adjustment Towards Practice - June 10
At the very beginning of the Satipatthana Sutta the Buddha gives clear instruction on how we need to adopt a certain attitude as we approach our practice. We need to be ardent, clearly knowing, mindful and free from desires and discontents.
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Six Talks on the Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths are the central teachings of Buddhism. I think it is important that they be taught once a year, both so new students can hear them for the first time, and exoerienced students can be reminded of their importance and see deeper meanings.

The First Noble Truth - April 29
The truth about the nature of life/reality and how we must see it clearly if we want to break free from the continous unsatisfactoriness of how we live and think.
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The Second Noble Truth - May 6
Grasping/clinging is the root of suffering
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The Third Noble Truth - May 13
The way to true happiness is through ending grasping.
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The Fourth Noble Truth Part 1 - May 20
THe Eightfold Path - The way to the end of suffering. You need to begin by setting off in the right direction.
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The Fourth Noble Truth Part 2 - May 27
Practice in the everyday world.
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The Fourth Noble Truth Part 3 - June 3
Practice on the Cushion - Wise Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.
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The Five Factors of Concentration - Part 2 - April 15
This talk is a continuation of the talk given on April 8 and adds in the final three factors of concentration.
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The Five Factors of Concentration - Part 1 - April 8
The mental formation of concentration is key to the development of the practice of meditation. The Five Factors are a progressive process to cultivate deeper concentration.
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The Buddha's Advice on How to Approach Practice - April 1
In many different suttas in the Samyutta Nikaya the Buddha offers advice on how to aprroach our practice and our life.
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The Simile of the Raft - March 25
This talk is based on a classic simile found in MN22, v.13
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The Four Messengers - March 18
What Motivated the Buddha to leave his home and begin his life as a renunciate? What lessons can we learn from that in our own lives?
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How to Stay Awake - March 11
This talk is based on "This is Water", by David Foster Wallace
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The Wilderness of Doubt and the Shackles of Craving - March 4
This talk is based on the Cetokhila Sutta, MN 16
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The Three Modes of Practice - February 25
What does it mean when we say "Practice All the Time"? How can we possibly do that?
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Karma and Rebirth - February 18
These two interrelated topics are some of the most difficult for western minds to understand. This talk aims to dispel many common misunderstandings and to explain what the Buddha taught.
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The Eight Pillars of Joy - Part 2 - February 11
This talked is based on the book The Book of Joy, a series of dialogues between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The last four heart or outer pillars are forgiveness, gratitude, compassion and generosity.
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The Eight Pillars of Joy - Part 1 - February 4
This talked is based on the book The Book of Joy, a series of dialogues between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Te first four mental or inner pillars are perspective, humility, humor and acceptance.
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The Five Aggregates of Clinging - January 28
The Buddha's many teachings on the Five Aggregates of Clinging are one of the primary ways he tries to lead us to an understanding of not-self.
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The Simile of the Saw - January 21
This is based on a sutta (MN 21) where the Buddha uses a variety of stories and similes to explain how to practice right action and right speech.
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The Three Layers of Delusion - January 14
Craving and Aversion are relatively easy to notice and note, especially if the associated emotions and body reactions are strong. What about delusion? The problem is we are often too deluded to notice. Learning to recognize the varoius forms delusion takes is an important first step.
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The Benefits of Restraint - January 7
We don't often see the words "restraint" and "benefits" pair together. We usually think of restraint as something unpleasant, to be avoided. The Buddha lays out 5 benefits of restraint in the Dhammadayada Sutta - Heirs to the Dhamma.
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Sutta Study
A Series of Talks Exploring the Majjhima Nikaya (MN) given during my regular Thursday evening Sangha in the summer of 2020.

Alagaddupama Sutta - MN 22, v13-14 - Crossing the Flood - June 25.
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Culavedalla Sutta - MN 44, v1-8
The Five Aggregates of Clinging - July 2
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Vatthupama Sutta - MN 7 - The Simile of the Cloth - July 9.
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Culasihanada Sutta - MN 11
The Shorter Discourse on the Lion's Roar - July 16
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Culadhammasamadana Sutta - MN 45
The Shorter Discourse on Ways of Undertaking Things - July 23
More Suffering or More Happiness?
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Sabbasava Sutta - MN 2
All the Taints - July 30
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Kalama Sutta - from the Anguttara Nikaya
Is That Right? - August 6
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Vitakkasanthana Sutta - The Removal of Distracting Thoughts - MN 20
I Can't Meditate, I'm Too Distracted! - August 13
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The Ten Paramis - The Path to Perfection
A series of five talks on the "perfections of the heart/mind" in the late spring of 2020..

Dana and Sila - Generosity and Virtue - May 21
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Renunciation and Wisdom - May 28
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Energy and Patience - June 4
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Truthfulness and Resolve - June 11
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Loving-Kindness and Equanimity - June 18
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Other Recordings

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These teaching are all offered freely. If you feel moved to do so you may offer Dana using the Paypal button below.