

Buddha Dharma


What the Buddha Taught

I am continuing to teach on line on Thursday evenings in 2025. Each week I'll send out an e-mail on Monday letting everyone know the topic for that weeks Dhamma talk.

Each session will start with chanting the Three Refuges. We will sit for 1/2 hour after which I'll offer the Dhamma talk. At the end of each session there will be time for questions and discussion.

All of these sessions will be on Thursday nights from 7-8:45 pm. Each session will stand on its own and people are welcome to attend any or all of them.

When: Thursdays 7:00 - 8:45 pm, Mountain Time
Zoom Meeting ID: 841 5648 6082
Zoom Passcode: 259521
Zoom Link:
click here
To Join by Phone: Please call 1-720-707-2699 or +1-253-215-8782
Cost: Teacher Dana. Please use the PayPal payment buttons above and to the right (PayPal or Credit Cards). You can make a weekly offering, or set up to automatically offer a certain amount every month. If your financial situation is difficult please do not feel obligated to offer anything.

Buddha Dharma | Dana | Teaching Schedule | Articles | Recordings | Links


These teaching are all offered freely. If you feel moved to do so you may offer Dana using the Paypal button below.